Goethe Institute Almaty
planning | invitation to tender | construction supervision
The former capital of Kazakhstan, Almaty (Alma Ata until 1993) has a population of 1.3 million inhabitants and is not only the economic and financial hub of the country but also of Central Asia. Almaty is home to multiple ethnic groups, cultures and languages, and has evolved over hundreds of years to become the region's cultural hub. The new Goethe Institute is located close to the Nauryzbaibatir and Shibeksholi intersection in the centre of Almaty. The reinforced concretre cube structure is braced by staircases and lift shafts.
The 37m x 30m building stretches to a height of 31.2m and has nine full storeys and a 2-storey underground car park.
KVL took a planning role, working in tandem with a German technical installations provider, structural engineers and fire protection experts in work phases 1-9 HOAI for the Federal Office of Construction and Regional Planning in Bonn.
KVL focused on finding a solution acceptable to the client, users and tenants that complied with both Kazakh and German norms and standards.