We put together a comprehensive package of services that satisfy your and your project's requirements. To put it another way: we think in terms of solutions that go beyond the box to provide the best possible outcomes. Our employees from the various disciplines and locations have access to a fully equipped toolbox that provides the right tool for every requirement.
Project management
We pursue the defined objectives of your projects in close collaboration with the client and with the involvement of all project stakeholders. Consistently and in the spirit of partnership, we drive projects forward through every phase towards successful achievement of the goals. We believe project management is a bespoke and holistic management process that extends above and beyond the scope of the AHO.
Project management
We see ourselves as a competent and responsible partner and advisor to our clients to achieve successful implementation of the project goals. Whether at the preparation stage defining user needs and setting up the project team, planning the processes and structures to determine the cost and schedule frameworks, or defining and monitoring quality in the planning and construction process, we accompany our clients at every step of the way, taking care and making sure their vision is turned into reality.
In addition to targeted budget, schedule and quality management, we use our own proprietary and proven tools in the control processes to assess opportunities and risks with a forward outöook. We bring all our expertise to the table and understand how to create effective project teams in collaboration with our clients and other stakeholders.

Schedule analysis
Both client and contractor will feel the pressure if the planned schedule is not on track and delays occur. However, getting tied up in a blame game is of no help to anyone. It is much more important to stay focussed, analyze the causes of the delays and identify the party responsible. At the same time, it is important to look ahead. If the project is ongoing, we need to ask: Where is there room for improvement? What steps can be taken to make up for lost time? Whatever the reason, objective analysis and respectful communication help keep the project on track and settle potential disputes.

Software solutions
For 15 years we have been using and continually enhancing namato, our own software solution for reviewing contracts and amendments. The review process is rigorously depicted, ensuring a high level of process quality. The output forms can be modified to the requirements and specifications of the respective award notice. Each review result is output in the same layout. namato also provides evaluations of project amendments and inspection processes, which are then available, for example, in monthly reports.
In collaboration with one of our clients we have developed a stochastically enhanced tool called riko. It builds on existing risk management systems, which are based on 1-point assessment with probability and level of occurrence. We also incorporate the uncertainty of the risk by performing a 3-point assessment in each case, i.e. developing three possible occurrence scenarios. In addition to the financial impact, we can also assess schedule impacts and translate these into costs. As far as possible, measures are planned to reduce or even eliminate the risks. riko guides the project team towards better communication of the individual risks and encourages regular reassessments, thus helping maintain a robust risk management process.

Workshops / Trainings / Seminars
Our many years of experience in university and non-university teaching culminated in the founding of the KVL LAB. This business unit has given us the opportunity to nurture and deliver education and training, and not just of our own employees. We are proud to offer cutting-edge knowledge sharing sessions to our clients and related partner companies.
In keeping with our mission statement "we´re doing well, let´s share it!", we are sharing our know-how and expertise in workshops, training courses and seminars.
We do not limit ourselves to passing on professional knowledge from the project management or real estate consulting sectors: we also focus on issues that help us see the bigger picture. This includes personal and professional development as well as ongoing research and innovation topics.
Our internal and external delegates enjoy a supportive learning experience where theory and practice merge and grow.
These offers are not limited to the respective KVL location, but are also offered outside the KVL-LAB.

Project supervision
Our policy is to focus on the client's needs and project's requirements. This often involves taking on a line management function with the responsibilities delegated by the client. The authority to make and enforce decisions is a must for the responsible coordination of projects. We prepare decisions and carry them out them in a targeted manner. These delegation of these duties can be modified during the project phase according to the individual needs of the client and extended as required.

Organisation consulting
WHAT is the task? HOW is the goal defined? WHO is involved? WHAT resources are needed? HOW is the process managed? These questions need to be answered to create a product or realize a project.
Organisation is not so much about documenting data in a manual in an orderly manner, but recording the boundary conditions and factors of a production or a project and putting them into the right structure.
The organisational structure is right if it puts the right processes properly and fully in place, is accepted by those involved as a helpful tool, and is seen as an opportunity to positively shape the working environment.
Positive experiences lead to a positive approach to the task in hand and thus become a valuable building block for positive results. As organisational consultants we develop the right set-up structure and goal-oriented processes to achieve optimal results.
We help our clients ask the right questions to the right people and draw the necessary consequences to create a complete whole from the individual parts.

project management
Occupier and user project management
Successful completion of any construction project requires close and constant coordination with the future occupier. There is an increased need for project management expertise in the final phase of a project when any occupier-specific finishing work is conducted. This often needs to be aligned with the construction workflow and the finishing work.
At the beginning of the project, we define the interfaces between the construction and occupier projects with all parties involved and make the necessary decisions in good time to ensure a smooth handover. An important resource in this process is the preparation and coordination of an installation and commissioning schedule for the integration of the occupier services into the construction process.

Project controlling
In January 2018 the AHO Expert Commission for Project Control and Project Management laid out additional service specifications for project controlling in booklet 19. These are intended to support the client wherever possible:
- in project controlling
- in the non-delegable duties of the client
- in all major decisions
- in the initiation of measures to achieve the project objectives.
This fosters commitment to the success of the project. Project controlling sets the parameters that promote project objectives by means of opportunity and risk assessments. The risk structure in terms of risk type or significance as well as the necessary compensatory measures must be presented and implemented to secure the schedule and budget targets. External project controlling augments project steering as well as project management and supports the client with independent actual and target comparisons and risk analyses based on expert knowledge and experience.

Risk management
Professional risk and conflict management is the cornerstone of successful project implementation.
By identifying risk potentials at an early stage, classifying all factors into risk groups and specifying risks in terms of their impact (risk classification), we proactively counteract unwanted surprises. We assess the likelihood of occurrence in various scenarios and project phases and initiate countermeasures in good time to avoid unforeseen disruptions and budget impacts.
In concrete terms, this means that we support the implementation of public participation procedures in early project phases, commission all relevant expert opinion reports in good time and ensure the definition of clear and unambiguous interfaces in planning and construction.

Multiple project management
Juggling multiple projects demands extensive planning, control, coordination and steering skills. We align your existing and new projects with your goals and create clear guidelines and processes. We evaluate and prioritise your projects according to uniform criteria. Our service profile is based on booklet No. 19 of the AHO Expert Commission (supplementary service profiles for project management) and DIN 69909 Multi-Project Management.
We combine our multi-project management with innovative methods and digital processes. This includes digital multi-project boards as well as digital capacity planning, but also the consistent use of agile and classic project management tools.

Expert assessment
Our specialist knowledge means we can provide expert assessment in those areas of the project that require special attention. Our key areas of focus are on construction time analysis, cooperative scheduling management, lean construction management, risk management, drafting contract and post-contract work. We are also available for advice, clerical processing and expert opinion reports.
variation order management
Contract and variation order management
Not just in single contract projects is it easy to lose sight of the big picture. Construction projects typically involve a multitude of agreements, with planners, consultants, contractors, neighbours, occupiers, etc. We keep all the key data and status records in our databases, allowing us to retrieve and manage and modify every contract and variation order at any time.

Schedule analysis
Both client and contractor will feel the pressure if the planned schedule is not on track and delays occur. However, getting tied up in a blame game is of no help to anyone. It is much more important to stay focussed, analyze the causes of the delays and identify the party responsible. At the same time, it is important to look ahead. If the project is ongoing, we need to ask: Where is there room for improvement? What steps can be taken to make up for lost time? Whatever the reason, objective analysis and respectful communication help keep the project on track and settle potential disputes.

Software solutions
For 15 years we have been using and continually enhancing namato, our own software solution for reviewing contracts and amendments. The review process is rigorously depicted, ensuring a high level of process quality. The output forms can be modified to the requirements and specifications of the respective award notice. Each review result is output in the same layout. namato also provides evaluations of project amendments and inspection processes, which are then available, for example, in monthly reports.
In collaboration with one of our clients we have developed a stochastically enhanced tool called riko. It builds on existing risk management systems, which are based on 1-point assessment with probability and level of occurrence. We also incorporate the uncertainty of the risk by performing a 3-point assessment in each case, i.e. developing three possible occurrence scenarios. In addition to the financial impact, we can also assess schedule impacts and translate these into costs. As far as possible, measures are planned to reduce or even eliminate the risks. riko guides the project team towards better communication of the individual risks and encourages regular reassessments, thus helping maintain a robust risk management process.

appointed and sworn expert reports
Reports by our publicly appointed and sworn experts
There are many professional experts in the KVL Group, three of whom are publicly appointed and sworn. We deal with project management, construction costing and invoicing as well as disruptions in the construction process. We provide our expertise to judges in ongoing court proceedings as well as to the business community to negotiate and settle disputes.
dispute resolution
Alternative dispute resolution
Experience shows that neither the contractor nor the client benefits from litigation. The process is costly and long winded, and the issues in dispute often cannot be fully clarified. In many cases, it ends in litigation. We believe alternative dispute resolution procedures to be much more effective. This begins with defined escalation levels to resolve disputes quickly. Another approach is to contractually agree dispute resolution procedures such as adjudication or arbitration, either on request or during construction. Arbitration is a method often used in international projects. It can help settle disputes before the final account is submitted.
Workshops / Trainings / Seminars
We regularly conduct workshops and seminars - internally for our employees, within the framework of specialist providers programmes, or also in-house on your own premises for your employees. The issues we cover are diverse. We are more than happy to share our knowledge and expertise. Here are a few examples:
- Risk management
- Scrutinising and reviewing variation orders / supplementary budgets
- Collaborative scheduling, also for large projects / multiproject management
- Construction time analysis – Requirements and implementation für Forderung / Prüfung
- Basics of Lean Construction Management
- Last Planner® with Villego® Simulation

Variation order control
In many projects requirements are constantly changing. This can be due to the complexity of the scheme, to the pressure of deadlines or also to user requests that only occur as the project progresses. We objevtively scrutinise the variation order based on the contractual relationship and the respective price assessment criteria - ensuring fairness and transparency for both parties. Also when negotiating. It is crucial to settle differences promptly to avoid further conflict and ensure changes can be clarified amicably before final certification is issued.

Project Delivery (IPD)
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
Due to their complexity and long run times, large projects are prone to budget and schedule overruns. The bilateral contract agreements traditionally used in Germany are based on the BGB and VOB/B and offer little incentive for cooperative behaviour. An increasing number of changes and amendments often lead to disputes between parties.
Integrated delivery methods, already widely practiced in Australia, the USA and Finland with great success, can be used to create incentives that enable true collaboration. Stakeholders work together to develop goals and ensure proects are delivered on time and on budget - risks and rewards are shared. The project environment fosters innovation, trust, and partnership. Multi-party agreements are the preferred form of contract.

Lean Construction Management
Lean management focuses on delivering customer value, removing waste, and improving process stability and just-in-time production. Continuous improvement is an integral aspect of lean management. These principles can also be applied to the construction industry, to every single phase of a construction project. Recent surveys have shown that around 50% of current potential is unused. We are happy to help you and your organisation discover the possibilities that make your processes safer and more stable and your employees and customers more satisfied.
For example, we use the Last Planner® system for short-cycle times, collaborative scheduling and control, or Target Value Design to optimise planning options within the set budget.

Strategic & technical real estate consulting
Real estate consulting addresses a wide range of complex, demanding and individual challenges. It covers all the services required to properly and effectively support our individual clients in achieving their goals, and thus fully complements our range of project management service. We bring in our expertise where it is required and bring your project to a successful conclusion.
Costs and financing
Meeting agreed deadline and quality standards within the target budget takes top priority in our project management practices.
We provide all services in area C "Costs and financing" in accordance with the AHO scope of services:
- Help in preparing the budget for investment and occupancy costs
- Cash flow planning
- Invoice verification
- Evaluate tender submissions to ensure prices represent value for money
- Professional variation order and change management
- Project-specific cost control - in line with your specifications.
We support you throughout every phase of your project with professional, database-driven cost control.

Construction controlling (GC)
Controlling the execution of construction work safeguards quality assurance and ensures that the construction agreement, further construction planning and construction work are in sync. Regular monitoring of the construction site or the construction performance status is carried out which also includes the entire invoice and subsequent audit of the general contractor. Acting as the extended arm of the client, we represent their interests and concerns and make regular site visits and attend meetings directly on site. Deviations and risks to these project objectives during construction are identified at an early stage, meaning we can take appropriate countermeasures and thus ensure the success of the project: from actual construction through commissioning and acceptance procedures to project completion. This allows one of the client's main performance obligations, the formal acceptance of the construction work, to be professionally prepared and carried out.

Technical Due Diligence
During the acquisition process a TDD report is undertaken to assess the property on multiple levels.
An inspection is carried out to understand the current condition of the building. Potential refurbishment and maintenance backlogs, as well as possible damage or improvement measures are identified and evaluated in terms of cost. The documents are checked for plausibility and integrity with regard to planning permission, fire safety, the required building operation documantion, area certificates, etc.
In the TDD process we support and advise the buyer until the purchase contract has been concluded. In addition, we assume control on behalf of the buyer of any subsequent technical commitments arising from the purchase contract.

Office concepts
Work is changing. People are changing. Completely new demands are being placed on the work environment, which has long since ceased to contain just a desk, chair and filing cabinet. Office concepts are only future-proof and sustainable if they go beyond simple office planning.
The first step in a construction project is to define these requirements, the second step is to translate these requirements into a plan, and the third to execute the building plan. At the interface between requirements and planning / execution is the user, space and function programme. This is where our organisational consulting comes in.
We support you in the project with the design and control for the implementation of your user, space and function programme (e.g. workplaces) in accordance with laws, regulations and technical rules (e.g. workplace ordinance). Our strength is the focus on the structures and processes in your company, combined with new and innovative space and workplace concepts.

Vendor Due Diligence
During the sales process you should be prepared for the possibility of technical questions from a potential buyer. This creates trust and facilitates the process. In perforrming a VDD (vendor due diligence) we inspect your property through the eyes of a prospective buyer, advise and support you in providing all the elevant documents, and assemble a well-organised data room.
In the VDD process we support and advise the vendor until the purchase contract has been concluded. In addition, we assume the project management on behalf of the vendor for any subsequent technical commitments arising from the purchase contract

Workshops / Trainings / Seminars
Our many years of experience in university and non-university teaching came in useful when we established the KVL LAB, allowing us to foster the education and training of our own employees as well as others. We also offer our clients and related partner companies the opportunity to transfer up-to-date knowledge.
In keeping with our mission statement "We're doing well, let's share it" we like to share knowledge via trainings, workshops and seminars.
But we don't just restrict ourselves to project management or technical real estate consulting issues: we like to look beyond familiar horizons and explore the new. We focus just as much on personal and professional development issues as on ongoing research into innovation.
Our internal and external participants enjoy the space where theory and practice merge and grow.
These programmes are not restricted to KVL-LAB premises but are also offered at external venues.

Transaction management
In addition to construction controlling we offer needs-based and project-oriented monitoring for both project management and real estate consulting. The aim of monitoring is to provide guidelines and information that ensure project goals are achieved and the project is a success.
The resulting reporting system provides all interested parties with information about the status of the project and is also used to make project management decisions.
Successful monitoring requires us to take a careful look at the respective processes that is not influenced by operational collaboration. This perspective allows us to assume a mediating role in the project, especially in challenging situations.